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What are the pros and cons of the JDT?

6K views 33 replies 15 participants last post by  Landed in AZ 
If something is so complex that it is too difficult to manage, then it is probably not the way to go. There is a great book out there that will help most people. The SIMPLE Art of Winning.
Sometimes I think I missed my calling as a therapist.:rolleyes: I could make lots more money being a therapist to JDT parents than I could ever hope to make as a coach.
I would say the best part of Matt's time on the JDT is becoming friends with Dave, Michelle and Sue Gilbert. Dave, Thank you for all you do for Team Zumbo.

If you have not attended camp as a shooter or an observer coach, there is no way you would know the pros or cons. There are just too many kids, too many coaches, and too much politics for it to be a benefit. Find a good coach, read a few archery books, and practice a lot. You could take a group of the young shooters out there today, put them on the field and have them shoot every day, eight hours a day, for 6 to 8 years and the percentage of world class shooters would be about the same as the current program is producing. Talent finds a way. Programs don't make champions, individuals become champions. If you are driven, have the heart and mind, are willing to do what it takes, and make the sacrifice, you can reach whatever dream you reach for.

If a team recruits all the best players then that team would appear to be the best. The players were already good before they got there.
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